Sunday, April 19, 2009

Pirate Bay vrs. Firearms

I wanted to make a comparison here, between the Pirate Bay and Gun Manufacturers.

First, the gun manufacturers:
“Traditionally, gun manufacturers have escaped responsibility when it comes to the criminal use of their products,” says Nation. “The legal system essentially presumes that criminal activity is not to be expected and that manufacturers have no control over the use of their products.” - Source:
Essentially, courts have ruled that the distributors of guns and the facilitators of distribution are not responsible for what the guns are used for.

Now let's look at the Pirate Bay verdict:
“The court has found that by using Pirate Bay’s services there has been file-sharing of music, films and computer games to the extent the prosecutor has stated in his case,” said the district court. “This file-sharing constitutes an unlawful transfer to the public of copyrighted performances.” - Source:
Courts have ruled in this case that the facilitators of distribution of information are responsible for copyright infringement.

So on the one hand, people who distribute guns are not responsible when those guns are used to kill people, but people who distribute information are responsible for when people use their distribution services to infringe copyright.

According to the courts, facilitating death is not the facilitator's problem, but facilitating copyright infringement is.

I think this is something that people might want to think about.

Friday, November 21, 2008

A message to the religious right from A. McEwen

A. McEwen made a very touching post on his blog Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters. I encourage anyone and everyone to read what he has to say.

An excerpt:
How it is that you can dare infer that we don't have a right to get just a tad angry when for over 30 years, you have done everything in your power to make us hate and fear ourselves?
Please take a read at the full article:
Message to the religious right - this isn't just about marriage, it's about history

Friday, July 4, 2008

Politically Concerned

Welcome to my blog. I am PoliticallyConcerned, and I am politically concerned. Politically concerned about the world, politics, religion, science, and humanity.

Essentially this is my place to let off steam about things that concern me. Feel free to leave me comments. I'll feel equally free in answering them.